How Chocolate Is Made

Factory Workers

These people work in chocolate factories and are the people that work to bring you good chocolate. Without them, there would be no chocolate at all! There are workers that manage all of the machines that are used to make the chocolate. Every step in the process involves the workers, and they operate the machines and make everything work.
They are involved in all the steps, from the very first moment when the cocoa beans enter the factory. There are many chocolate factories around the world, and they are all filled with workers.

Oompa Loompas

Even though they are not real, the oompa loompas from 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' are a great example of factory workers. They work very hard in the factories all day, and they always get rewarded. In their case, they are rewarded with cocoa beans, but real factory workers get paid, of course!
The oompa loompas work in evey single part of the factory. They control all of the machines, and they also help their boss, Willy Wonka, when he needs something. Real factory workers usually wouldn't be so close to the factory owner. They would be too busy working to talk to their boss. The oompa loompas also know everything about chocolate, and how it is made. Factory workers would need to know this, or not would not be able to make any chocolate at all!

Willy Wonka chose the oompa loompas to be his workers because he didn't trust his old workers with his secret recipes. Workers do have the power to tell others the recipes of the chocolates, if they were part of the mixing process. Then they would know what ingredients were in the chocolate. Workers who are not part of the mixing process would not know what goes into the chocolate, though.Hard working factory workers, like the oompa loompas, are ideal!